[PREFACE] This article focuses on the political and moral issues encompassing the term "illegal", and how much weight it holds specifically within the context of illegal immigration. Within the next month, I will be writing an article that focuses specifically on Mexicans’ hatred of (and rudeness towards) black people and how that “tension” has built up quite a bit over the last 10 years in the united states………
America has become a "soft" nation. It was once a nation based on laws and principles that were vehemently defended. It is NOW a nation of cowardice; people worried about getting sued, "political correctness", and offending others. This country's anxiousness has become profound. This anxiousness has literally meshed itself into to America’s fundamental laws and principles. Laws have been amended and modified to the point where criminals have as many (and in some cases MORE) rights than their victims. The 1st amendment is ABUSED in today's society so that anyone can now push any agenda they wish; religious, political, racial; you name it, and there's some group or organization that is using it to zealously distribute their rhetoric. Now we have the actual manipulation of the laws themselves. Regarding the issue of illegal immigration, from what I understand, if you enter ANY country through improper channels with your goal being to take up residence in that country and become a member of that country's society, all with no intention of becoming a legalized citizen of that country, then you are at that point an ILLEGAL citizen in that country. If you are not there solely for the purpose of: 1. Vacation based visitation, 2. Education based visitation, or 3. Employment based visitation, then you can only be there for a predetermined amount of time before you have to return to your own country, or GO THROUGH THE PAPERWORK PROCESS OF BECOMING A LEGAL CITIZEN OF THAT COUNTRY. That is the basic process of becoming a LEGAL citizen. Borders are created for a reason. They have LEGAL entry ways where you can pass from one country to another. Other than at the specified entry way(s), it is illegal to attempt access to the adjoining country. If you "jump" a border at any location other than at any of its LEGAL entry ways, you have committed a crime and have entered the adjoining country illegally. That's all there is to it. In the country you entered illegally, if it is discovered by an officer of the law that you are in that country illegally and cannot prove otherwise, you are to be arrested and detained until you can be deported to your original country of residence......
(Drum roll....................................AND HERE WE GO!!!)
But WAIT! It's 2010! The word "ILLEGAL" doesn't mean the same thing it did 20 years ago. If you look up the word "illegal", or its sister adjective "illegally" in any dictionary that has been revised within the last 10 years, do you know what you’ll see? A picture of a small group of Mexicans still dirty and dusty from their recent border jump, all with their middle fingers high in the air on one hand, and in the other hand each holding one of those tiny U.S. mini tourist flags in the UPSIDE DOWN position. There is a small caption next to the picture saying "This is now the definition 'illegal immigration' in the U.S.".
What really freaks me out on a personal level are the amount of services used by illegal immigrants, many of which are denied for one reason or another to American born citizens. There are illegal immigrant “coalitions” in the U.S. that DEMAND access to the below list of services! Not REQUEST access, DEMAND access. You have these border jumping zealots that are nothing more than illegal VISITORS in this country, and they're yelling and screaming, claiming that they have the same "right" to access these services as any [“other”] American citizen! Do you see the irony in the usage of the phrase “any OTHER American citizen”? Let me move on before I bust a blood vessel. First let me list the services, and then I'll talk about each of them in greater detail. The main ones are:
1. Education
2. Health care (Medical benefits)
3. Driving Privileges
4. Senate bill 1070
5. Employment
6. Real Estate
7. Finances (credit, banking)
8. The Language Barrier
EDUCATION - Last year, I saw a documentary on cable TV about a wetback family that had a daughter that was applying to various colleges. Here's the kicker; the documentary was about illegal immigrants in the U.S. that are living the lives of LEGAL immigrants....WITHOUT REPERCUSSION. The documentary was illustrating the fact that illegal immigrants are so deeply entrenched in today’s American society that many of them are utilizing America's various services while never taking the time to become American citizens. The wetback exposed the fact that she was NOT an "anchor baby" (an anchor baby is a baby that is born of a wetback mother that illegally enters the U.S. The mother gets pregnant in Mexico, and then crosses the border illegally, right BEFORE the baby is born. By law, if the baby is born in the U.S., even though the wetback cow is not a legal citizen, if the baby is born on U.S. soil, the baby is deemed an American citizen). There are thousands of wetback cows that cross the border illegally every year for the sole purpose of giving birth to anchor babies. Back to what I was saying; this teenage wetback WASN'T an anchor baby. She jumped the border as a little girl with the rest of her family. When they got to this country, the parents enrolled the little girl in elementary school. The girl completed elementary school then enrolled in jr. high...then high school. The girl had basically completed her entire basic education on U.S. soil, and during that entire time, she was NEVER a legal citizen. You know who I fault for THAT? Our SORRY ASS education system. We're at the point where we will teach ANYONE, regardless of if they're citizens or NOT. If THAT's the case, then why not enroll a bunch of Middle Eastern students in our schools and teach them how to design bigger and better bombs?! How can an ILLEGAL child complete their ENTIRE basic education without their citizenship status ever becoming an issue? I have scoured the net and found NO evidence that we have "officially" amended ANY law to provide education for illegal immigrants, yet in southern California it is estimated that NOW, approximately 30% of the Mexican children that attend grades K – 12 are of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION status. They have taken over the record from blacks as having the highest dropout rate. Most of them don't know enough ENGLISH to understand what the teachers are saying, so they get flunked and kicked back in line to have to repeat various grades. The teachers don't care and the education system doesn't care. Nobody gives a fuck about our education system anymore, and as a result we have a bunch of illegal immigrant children getting a FREE education. I'll end this issue with THIS. At the end of the aforementioned documentary, the wetback girl ended up getting an acceptance letter from a (low tier) college. The interviewer asked the girl, "Does it worry you that if they go over your background in more detail and find out that you're an illegal immigrant, they’ll kick you out of college until you can go through the process of becoming a LEGAL immigrant"? The girl looked at the guy with a smug smirk on her face and replied, "Well......they ACCEPTED me, didn't they? My immigration status hasn't held me back so far. I don't see how it could NOW....”
HEALTH CARE - Illegal immigrants can walk into a hospital without documentation or identification of any kind, no medical plan of any kind, and no money, and receive the same quality of care as a LEGAL taxpaying citizen that has to pay a co-pay for their visits, has to pay for any examinations, has to pay for any operation, and has to pay for any medicine(s). I want all you LEGAL citizens to picture this scenario. A wetback guy limps into the emergency room at a hospital with his family (that's already a $50 to $300 fee for emergency admittance, depending on your level of, or LACK of coverage). His leg is bleeding all over the place because one of the family pit bulls turned on him and tried to chew his ankle off. His Achilles tendon is visible. Blood is everywhere. He's admitted and taken into emergency surgery. Doctor's X-Ray AND M.R.I. his leg (there's another $2,500 for both procedures combined). They discover that in order to ever be able to walk again he's going to need an operation to repair his Achilles ($9.000) for the operation. Meanwhile, in the emergency waiting room, the nurse has given the guy's mother the paperwork to fill out. Every single detail on the paperwork is falsified. She puts a fake name, she has no driver's license, they have no social security, they have no medical coverage, and she lists a bogus residence, so the wetback in essence lied about EVERYTHING she filled out. The operation is done. Later on that night at about 4:00 a.m., the other family members come and sneak the guy out of the recovery room, and they all leave together out of some rear, obscure exit. The total price the wetbacks pay for the operation? ZERO. ALL the information was fake so they can't be tracked to collect the payment. Guess who ends up footing the bill for that? WE DO. It comes right out of our taxes. That particular scenario was made up by me, but that TYPE of activity occurs thousands of time per year in hospitals across America, all committed by Mexican illegals who don't have the money to pay for medical / health care, so in turn, they ROB the American health care system by committing acts similar to the one I described. OH...but I'm not done with health care yet. You all know about the government funded medical coverage called Medicare, when low income people can (for basically FREE) get health / medical coverage. The quality of the coverage ain't great, but it's better than having none at all. GUESS WHAT? A person of ILLEGAL status can walk in with NO documentation or identification of any kind, apply for Medicare, and GET it. But homeless people that are born and raised American citizens are DENIED Medicare. A homeless Vietnam vet with a California I.D. can walk into a Medicare office, show his i.d., ask to apply for Medicare and get DENIED, because under government law, indigents (people of "homeless" status) are not eligible for Medicare. Can you believe that shit? Remember, with Medicare we're talking about pennies on the dollar for coverage. Visits are FREE, most medication is $2.00 to $5.00 (and in many cases, FREE), and things like operations, checkups, etc. are also free. It was designed for people that can't afford regular priced medical coverage. Most of it is funded from tax payer money, just like everything else in this country. Effectively, in most cases a homeless person could benefit from the coverage under the same rules as any other "low income" person. Our lovely health care system has decided that you don't have to be an American citizen to get free medical coverage, but you DO have to have a place to live (even if you ARE an American citizen, and DID pay taxes once and used to contribute to society before becoming homeless). On an ending note for health care; it has been discovered that many of the illegals that get Medicare get prescriptions for various FAKED maladies, then turn around and sell the medicine for profit. Meanwhile, some homeless Vietnam vet living in a box is dying from multiple diseases because hospitals turn him away due to the fact that he doesn't have medical coverage, and can't GET medical coverage because he is indigent...
DRIVING PRIVILEGES – Many of you are already well aware that illegal immigrants are fighting for the “right” to be able to apply for a driver’s license. RIGHT NOW, it’s still an illegal act to approve a license to a person of illegal status. What do the wetbacks do? THEY DRIVE ANYWAY. I can only imagine how many of you reading this article that have been in a car accident within the past 10 years were in an accident with someone that stated that they didn’t have insurance, only to find out later by your insurance company and / or the police report that they were ILLEGALS and never bothered to get car insurance, so you ended up not being able to file a claim against them. Did you all know that statistically, your chance of getting in an accident with an uninsured illegal immigrant is HIGHER than being in an accident with an insured AMERICAN CITIZEN? Illegals are now a higher cause of automobile accidents than any other single cause, including drunk drivers. They never learned how to drive in THEIR country, then they border jump to America and use our roads as their test ground. They can’t get proper driving training (i.e. driving school) because they’re not allowed a license, so they’re taught how to drive by “Pedro”, who ALSO doesn’t have a license. You basically have a bunch of illegals teaching other illegals how to drive, so everybody learns how to drive improperly, ergo illegals have become the number one cause of automobile accidents in the “United States Of Bending Over Backwards To Cater To Illegal Immigrants”...
SENATE BILL 1070 - I’ll tell you one thing, Arizona got it RIGHT!!!! I APPLAUD Arizona for taking initiative against illegal immigrants jumping into their state, then trying to demand rights like they do in California. The state of Arizona said, “WAIT! This ain’t CALIFORNIA, mutha fuckas! We don’t ‘bend over’ for any race that ain’t WHITE!” Arizona is one RACIST state, but I give them props for not allowing illegals to come to their state and get away with the babying they get in California. Arizona said “FUCK THIS”, and then wrote Senate Bill 1070. I have the entire bill and have read it thoroughly. THIS LAW SHOULD BE APPROVED AND IMPLEMENTED IN ALL STATES IN THE U.S.! Of course all illegals are up in arms about the bill, claiming “racial profiling” can be abused. That was to be expected. What people don’t seem to realize is that this law PROTECTS us from illegal immigrants that are on the road when they shouldn’t be. They shouldn’t be driving to begin with. THEY ARE IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY! The passing of this bill would damn near negate the statistic I mentioned about illegals being the number 1 cause of automobile accidents. Get more of them off our streets, deport them if they can’t prove legal citizenship, and our streets become (relatively) safer again. ANOTHER THING A LOT OF PEOPLE DON’T KNOW; The UNITED STATES is the ONLY country that DOESN’T implement that law! IN EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET, IF YOU’RE PULLED OVER AND THERE IS A REASONABLE DOUBT THAT YOU ARE NOT A CITIZEN OF THAT COUNTRY, LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ALLOWED TO ASK YOU FOR PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP FOR THAT COUNTRY. If I’m a black man driving a rental car in France, they can pull my black ass over and ask me if I’m a tourist or a citizen. If I LIE and say “citizen”, they can ask me for proof of French citizenship. Same thing in China, same thing in Canada, same thing in Africa; in any country BUT the U.S., it’s LEGAL for them to do it. We choose to spoil these cockroaches, so as not to “offend” them by asking for proof of citizenship. One more point, racial profiling ALREADY EXISTS on the road. Since when has it NOT been an issue? It’s not in any of the police manuals because “technically” it is illegal, but it happens all day, every day on our roads. TO ALL BLACK PEOPLE READING THIS ARTICLE; in the comments section, please do me a BIG favor. Write a comment if you have ever been pulled over only because you were black, even though you may have not been able to PROVE it. How many of us blacks have been driving in an all white neighborhood, and some cop driving in the opposite direction passes by, sees your BLACK FACE, then swoops a mad ass stuntman style U turn, tails you for about a block (while he’s running your plates of course), then pulls you over, asks you who you are, where you’re going, etc., all the while never giving you an “official” reason as to why you were pulled over. Then when you ask them why you were pulled over, they come up with some lame ass excuse about your car fitting some ubiquitous description for some (imaginary) crime that never actually took place. My black brothas and sistas, can you do that for me? If you’ve ever been pulled over just because of the color of your skin and you know it even though you can’t prove it, hit up the comments section for this article and write up a little story about your experience. I want all the wetbacks to read your comments so they get a teeny taste of what “racial profiling” is really about. They wanna sit up and get mad because they MIGHT get asked for proof of citizenship during a traffic stop in Arizona. At least that’s a justifiable reason! That beats being black and getting pulled over for no reason at all, other than the color of your skin!
EMPLOYMENT – This is the only area where I’m willing to give illegal immigrants any sort of slack at all, even though I STILL have beef with them regarding the issue. I will give illegals props on one thing; they are willing to do almost ANYTHING to make a buck. There is no way I’d be willing to work in a field, picking fruits and vegetables, selling food on the corner, sewing clothes in a sweatshop for a paycheck that is broken down to equal 2 dollars a day. Actually, the reality of the situation is that they have no CHOICE but to do menial jobs of that nature, as it is illegal for any employer to hire an illegal immigrant since they are not documented citizens of this country, ergo cannot pay taxes. That still does not stop many companies and employers, who simply hire them and pay them in cash under the table. I AGREE with the law that states that any employer getting caught hiring illegals and paying them under the table should have their business licenses revoked and / or pay a fine. HERE’S where I have a REAL problem. You can walk into an establishment that is known for hiring teens that are looking for 1st jobs; fast food places, cleaning jobs in malls, grocery stores, and all the teens being hired now are MEXICANS. You can walk into a McDonald's in an ALL BLACK neighborhood, and every [teen] employee from the cashier, to the cooks in the back, to the drive thru teller is MEXICAN! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with ANY Mexican that is a LEGAL CITIZEN of this country. The problem I have is that a growing number of these Mexican teens getting hired to do these jobs are ILLEGALS! These ILLEGAL teens are now getting hired over their LEGAL teen counterparts! A LOT of these illegal teens are hired due to “family ties” within these businesses. A lot of these business have Mexican supervisors and / or managers, and as a favor to some family member, these supervisors are hiring these illegal teens at the expense of LEGAL Mexican teens. MANY of them are placed in establishments that they’re not indigenous to; like the example I gave about a staff full of MEXICAN teen cooks and cashiers working at some fast food place in an all black neighborhood. It’s no wonder that all the black and white kids that apply for employment at those places get turned down. They hire a lot of illegal ADULTS in various places too. A lot of cleaning staff, (ESPECIALLY at hotels and motels) are illegal immigrant women. There are a LOT of black women that apply for those types of positions, but get turned down because the illegal is going to always take LESS pay than the black person. A LOT of the hotels and motels pay those illegals LESS than minimum wage for those cleaning positions. I’m not only talking about seedy, dirty places with cum stained bed sheets and roaches everywhere. I’m also talking about higher ranked establishments like The Holiday Inn, the Marriott; even EXECUTIVE ranked hotels like the Bonaventure in downtown L.A. ALL these spots are hiring illegal immigrants to save a buck. All of them could technically be shut down, and / or fined for doing it. But what is this great country doing? TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK. You have all these congressmen, senators and governors swearing that they consider illegal immigrants in our workforce as being an “important” issue to pursue, yet they’re simply turning their backs on the issue, even though they KNOW where to go if they wanna get these people. If the I.T.F. (Immigration Task Force) REALLY wanted to crack down on illegal immigration, all they’d have to do is a monthly sweep fast food places, hotels, motels and sweat shops. They’d be able to eliminate a HUGE chunk of illegal immigrants from the workforce, just by doing THAT. Contrary to popular belief, there ARE some minimum wage jobs that blacks and whites ARE willing to do. But you must remember; those fast food places, sweatshops, hotels and motels are not paying those illegals minimum wage, they’re paying them BELOW minimum wage. That’s why you never see blacks and whites doing those particular types of minimum wage jobs.
REAL ESTATE – An illegal immigrant can contact a real estate agent, set up a meeting, be shown houses, choose one, and as long as that illegal has the down payment and is a first time buyer, they can be approved to buy that house, while at no time is proof of citizenship an issue. I can be a black man who is buying my 2nd house, made some bad choices on my 1st home and had to foreclose, got my act together, have a (current) credit score of 780, have $40,000 saved up in the bank, can put $10,000 cash down on the house, and still get denied the option to buy because of my previous foreclosure. Regardless of the fact that they’re “illegal”, what’s more appealing to a real estate agent is when a customer is a first time buyer. An illegal immigrant first time buyer has a better chance of buying a home than a person who has more means, a lot of cash, and a high credit rating, but that made bad choices in the past. The fact that an illegal immigrant from another country can come to this country and buy a house at all completely baffles me. Then, what do they do? They SQUEEEEEEEZE in 10 times the amount of people that were meant to be able to inhabit the house, then most go out during the day and sell their oranges, churros and “Maiz Con Crema Y Queso”. The ones that remain in the house all day are the “breeders”. They’re the ones whose only “job” is to incubate and birth new wetbacks. That’s literally what they do; the men fuck them, they get pregnant then incubate the fetuses to full term. Remember, they’re anchor babies, so even though their mothers are illegal immigrants, the babies themselves come into the world as U.S. citizens. The mothers go to the hospital right before they’re about to pop, and they’re not going to get turned away because REMEMBER, they have more of a right to medical care than that homeless Vietnam vet I mentioned earlier. The end result is an unsafe amount of wetbacks living in a house, breeding countless more wetbacks. America! The land of infinite opportunity and possibility………… (IF YOU’RE AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT).
FINANCES – Illegals can do more than buy a home, they can get bank accounts and credit cards too. About 5 years ago, Bank of America implemented a new policy stating that if you were an illegal immigrant, you could open a bank account without proof of citizenship AND apply for credit. It was designed to cater to illegals that came to this country and needed a place to store their money and establish credit. The reasoning was that illegals had NO credit, which was better than bad credit, so they provided the opportunity for them to them establish credit and savings…..….this was all regardless of the fact that their very presence in this country was illegal, making them criminals by default, and that B. of A. was actually committing a crime by knowingly facilitating financing resources for criminals. I don’t know if you all remember this, but when they implemented that plan, Bank of America had the largest simultaneous exodus of customers in the HISTORY of the bank’s existence! Tens of thousands of customers country wide closed their accounts when they heard about the new policy. You especially had black and white people saying, “Wait, you’re telling me that with all the stuff you’ve denied me of in the past, you’re going to give these ILLEGALS all that leeway?” At no time before or since has B. of A. lost that many customers because of a policy. I don’t blame those customers one bit. Illegal immigrants are no more responsible with their money than the average black person. Illegals fuck up their finances just like black people do. Last I remember, they ended up retracting that policy in hopes of enticing at least some of their (American citizen) customers back. 75% of the customers that left B. of A. because of that policy NEVER RETURNED.
THE LANGUAGE BARRIER – I saved the one that PISSES ME OFF THE MOST for LAST. This is the one where I might lose my cool while writing it. If I do, please forgive me in advance……………
Not only don’t about half of illegal immigrants speak English, they have no desire to LEARN it. In today’s society, the average illegal immigrant has so many of his counterparts around him and so many “little tijuanas” in existence, as long as they don’t venture out too far from their neighborhoods, they can live their entire lives in the U.S. without having to learn a lick of English, regardless of the fact that English is the universal language on the planet, in addition to being the primary language in the U.S. Do we “strongly urge” them to learn our language since they are in OUR country? HELL NO! Instead, we force AMERICAN CITIZEN STUDENTS to take SPANISH classes! How in the FUCK can you be an illegal immigrant living in ANOTHER COUNTRY and you tell that country, “Hey, FUCK your primary language. I instead want YOU to teach MY native language in YOUR school system to YOUR children so that YOU can better cater to MY needs”. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM THINKING WHEN THEY CAME UP with THAT one????? They want to force OUR kids to learn the language of a race of people, many of which came to our country ILLEGALLY? Let me ask you all something; when you walk into a 7-11, does the Arab cashier speak English? YES. When you walk into a liquor store, does the Korean cashier speak English? YES. When you walk into a French restaurant, does the French waiter speak English? YES. When you walk into a Japanese restaurant, does the waiter speak English? YES. Now, have you ever walked into a corner market, a liquor store, a grocery store, a restaurant, any of which were based in a predominately wetback part of town, and none of the workers in that establishment spoke a WORD of English? I HAVE. I’ve gone to areas in the greater Los Angeles area where NONE of the billboards were in English, where NONE of the employees in (some of) the establishments spoke ANY English, even where the rate charges and directions on the mutha fuckin PAYPHONES are written in ALL SPANISH. If you go to ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON THIS PLANET, they expect YOU to learn THEIR language. They’re not going to cater to you if you don’t know their language. If you get LUCKY, in SOME countries they’ll talk to you in broken English. Then there are OTHER countries where if you try to talk to someone in a different language than theirs, they’ll wave you the fuck on as if to say, “Get the FUCK out of my face since you can’t speak to me in MY language”. Other countries don’t put up with that bullshit, but WE do. You know, it’s ODD how we only tolerate that shit from MEXICAN illegal immigrants. We make NO effort to accommodate or facilitate the native languages of Arab immigrants, French immigrants, African immigrants, Canadian immigrants, Jamaican immigrants, Asian immigrants; the ONLY immigrants whose language we bend over backwards to integrate into OUR society are the Mexican ILLEGAL immigrants. Why is that? If we’re going to do that for border jumpers, why not do it for all the other races I mentioned? I’ll TELL you why. It’s because all the other immigrants I mentioned are GRATEFUL. They’re not in America to start SHIT. They’re appreciative that we let them in and allow them to become a part of our society; all of them except the MEXICAN illegals. They have surpassed blacks as the new arrogant and ungrateful race. They are now the ones that are spoiled; they want the entire U.S. of A. to accommodate THEIR race. They are now the spoiled little brats of america. Other races are TIRED of them labeling every little thing that’s not done in their favor as “racial discrimination”. Mexican illegal immigrants have become, for all intents and purposes, AMERICA’S NEW NIGGERS.
[EPILOGUE] WHEW! That was a long article! My fingers hurt and I think I almost had a heart attack TWICE while writing it, out of anger and stress. It is now 4 DAYS later from when I first started writing, and the article is now done. What it all boils down to is, within the next 10 years, your chances of "succeeding" in this country may be higher if you're an illegal immigrant than if you're an American citizen. At that point, you may as well go to Mexico, destroy all your “legal status” documentation, jump the border BACK into the U.S., then identify yourself as being an illegal immigrant You'll be allowed access to more opportunities that way. The U.S. has become a spineless, pathetic country to live in. If it weren’t for the fact that I'm black, I'd leave this candy ass country and go live somewhere else. The problem with that is they treat black people WORSE in most other countries than they do in the U.S. ;) I hope you all enjoyed reading article this as much as I enjoyed writing it…
LONG LIVE FREE SPEECH! (Just watch what you SAY, mutha fuckas)
I have to say I do agree with what you are saying, but I also know of some illegals that cannot turn back and this country makes it almost impossible to become legal, I know this because I worked at a law firm that dealt with immigration issues, I wish the US gov would have some sort of law that fines them and taxes them (because its obvious that the enjoy the perks that tax payers do). The only way an illegal can became legal is go back and marry a citizen, or wait for those babies to grow up. The marry a citizen is also illegal because many have to pay and they are fake marriages. ( I was offered $5000 to marry someone and bring them over, I refused. I really told that guy that he thinks that coming here will be money growing in trees, but in reality his middle upper class and college degree are nothing here.
ReplyDeleteAnd also the wetbacks are here guess why? the same gov brings them to provide low cost workers to big companies and they have a deal to only deport a few a day(which takes jobs from Americans and abuses those immigrants as well) I mean I am against illegal immigration I just wish the gov did it's job, the gov has many personalities.
Very well written and very astute observations. You lay the facts of the matter out perfectly and I agree with everything you wrote. People should be outraged but are too ignorant to comprehend the reality of this problem. You do a great service to this country by spreading the truth that the media won't report. Either they got an agenda or they're afraid of offending someone and losing ratings, so they never report about the issues you brought up.
ReplyDeleteBrother, brother, you have said what I've been saying for the longest. I live in Arizona and all points you hit were the same points that I brought up. When my boss asked me what wrong did the illegals do to me, I explained that 1) My tax money (of which I can't control) is spent towards their healthcare and their children's education (and down here we see a lot of anchor babies attending schools. The schools gripe that because of the new law many schools are finding them pretty empty - some say a relief because it was a drain on the system and of course the other half say that they will start losing federal money). 2) I'm a black woman who used to live in Missouri and was pulled over several times for "driving black" - still had to go to court, pay tickets and deal with the way the cops (both black and white) treated me. I'm a LEGAL citizen and I wonder why in the hell do these people think they are better than me. They know darn well that the new bill wasn't racists - but their outcries were to distract others away from the real issue of being illegal and breaking the law. My God, even Rev Sharpton brought his stupid, permed ass down here talking about something he knew nothing about. Many blacks down here can't stand him. I'm glad they picketed in New York and ran out in fields with their own flag. The invasion will begin and I'm glad New York will also feel it.
ReplyDeleteOm! My DWB experience happened like this...I'm mindin my merry fuckn business in a remotely white part of town...I saw the cop goin in the opposite direction but I knew it was over. He swooped a u turn on me ..gets behind me and follows me..fuck it I turn right..*whoop whoop* flashin red lights. "Scuse me where are u goin?" Umm home..."where do u stay " (wtf does that have 2 do with anything) I tell him. "Why did u turn here?" (Cuz I was tryna get away from your cracker ass) I'm takin the back roads..scenic route... ..he says he pulled me over because my liscense plate is n my window. &you can't have more than a 4x4 area of you window view plate had been n my window over a year INCLUDING wen I had been pulled over before ..that cop didn't give a fuck..n e way..he let me go with a warning..I knew the warnin was 2 keep my black ass out of that nieghborhood from now on!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's funny how some people here gripe about the crazy immigration laws that makes it hard to become a U.S. citizen. Um...guess what? It's like that in MANY countries (especially Japan!), and the bottom line is, if you are there illegally, you CANNOT get services or perks of that country and you WILL be deported!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of the Home Depot work centers set up by a non-profit group to help the illegals get under the table jobs. These "buildings" have phone, computers, coffee, food all for the care and comfort of you guessed it, illegals. Home Depot says they can't close them because it's not on their property. But they are at every damn Home Depot. They have set fires in a restaurant parking lot, spray painted the outside walls and the owner of the restaurant can't even get the police to do anything. because per the police it is on Home Depots property. What a joke we have become.
ReplyDeleteWhat a refreshing drink of water you are! My gripe is with the Mexican movement, they are constantly comparing their "cause" with the black civil rights movement. They weren't ther, they were too busy being white. They look down on us, yet feel entitled to take advanatage of what we fought for, labeling it theirs. New such thing. They say things that really anger me like they are under the new Jim Crow, or believe it or not, one compared the recent running on the ball field with the Mexican flag to be likened to Rosa Parks standing for her rights! I became physically ill when I heard this.
ReplyDeleteLastly, we gotta do something about brother Al Sharpton! Why is he promoting legalization of illegal aliens? Has he forgotten that the highest unemployed are black males in their late teens twenties?!!! Also, illegal aliens take the lower skilled labor jobs that blacks had formerly. Sharpton doesn't address this! Instead, he is cracking jokes about not being able to determine if he is Mexican or not at night, etc. Sick. He doesn't speak for the majority of blacks that I know. I guess wherever he sees a line, he jumps in front of it. We must stop this, it's embarrassing!
One more thing. Blacks have GOT to stop being robots and voting Democrat. They assume they have our vote, and take it for granted. They show up at our churches about once every few years. Speak to us using ebonics (insulting), nothing changes, not even us, we still vote democrate even though nothing is done, we are ignored, even in the current administration. I would like to suggest that you address this subject. Blacks should be encouraged to register as independents. At least let them WORK for your vote, no matter how you eventually vote. As things stand now, they know they have our vote, now they are ignoring us and pursuing the hispanic vote...knowing that we will vote for them. STOP IT BLACK PEOPLE, MAKE THEM RESPECT YOU FOR A CHANGE. LET THEM COME AFTER OUR VOTE!